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Bioengineering Undergraduate Student Society Constitution

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===Article 4 – Definitions ===
:Article V.4.1 : The Academic Year shall be defined to begin the first day of class in the Fall semester and end the last day of final examinations of the Winter semester as defined by the McGill calendar.   Article V.4.2 : A Bylaw shall be any of a set of rules adopted by the BUSS Council for governing its own meetings or affairs.   Article V.4.3 : A Constituency shall be defined as all students of a department who began their studies in that department during the Academic Year.   Article V.4.4 : A Departmental Society shall be a group of Regular Members of the EUS who are representative of a particular department.   Article V.4.5 : The EUS shall be the Engineering Undergraduate Society of McGill University.   Article V.4.6 : The McGill Community shall be defined as the staff, students, and faculty of the University.   Article V.4.7 : A Motion shall be defined as a proposal formally made in a meeting of the BUSS Council.   Article V.4.8 : Quorum shall be defined as the required attendance and conditions for a meeting of an official body of the BUSS Council to be opened and for all subsequent transactions to be ratified.   Article V.4.9 : To Ratify shall mean to pass or approve a Motion or appointment.   Article V.4.10 : A Regular Meeting shall be any meeting of the BUSS Council not otherwise stipulated.   Article V.4.11 : A Resolution shall be defined as a formal statement of opinion or determination of the BUSS adopted by a meeting of the BUSS Council.   Article V.4.12 : A two-thirds majority shall be defined as two-thirds of votes cast by all members of the BUSS Council. An abstention shall not count as a vote cast.   Article V.4.13 : A Regular Member shall be defined as any student enrolled in undergraduate Bioengineering.   Article V.4.14 : Term of Office or mandate, shall be defined as beginning on the first of May and ending on the 30th of April. 

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