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Sustainability in Engineering at McGill

75 bytes added, 23:37, 9 November 2019
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| headerstyle = background-color:#eee
| labelstyle = background-color:#ddd;
|header1 = Executive Team 20182019-20192020| label2 = Co-Chairs | data2 = Sam Lapin Lianne Campbell and Carter McNaughtKaye Wong| label3 = VP Academic | data3 = Heather MantelThomas Callum| label4 = VP Admin Internal | data4 = Lianne CampbellChloë Ryan| label5 = VP Communications | data5 = Chantel YungElena Prioreschi| label6 = VP External | data6 = Graham SaundersNina Strasky and Yaqi Li| label7 = VP Finance | data7 = Kaye WongLynn Cheriff| label71=Engagement Director|data71=Cathy Zhou and Kalyssa Volk| label8 = Plumbers' Plates Director | data8 = Thomas CallumAnnie Coulter| label9 = Webmaster | data9 = Saul Valery CanoAki Fujinawa|data10=[ Website]}}
'''Sustainability in Engineering at McGill (SEAM)''', is a [[committee]] within the Engineering Undergraduate Society (EUS). The committee was formally founded in 2014. SEAM's purpose is to foster and promote a culture of sustainability in the Engineering community.

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