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SSMU Funds

1,456 bytes added, 19:38, 3 November 2019
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{| class="wikitable alternating"
! Fund !! Apply For... !! Requirements !! Do... !! Don't...
! Ambassador
| opportunities to represent McGill as a participant in event of academic conferences , athletic, or social nature; contribute visibility and competitionsrecognition of SSMU, including design team competitionsits members, or McGill || *must contribute 25% to overall cost, unless they can demonstrate efforts made*not benefit sole individual member of club|
*include any costs paid by participants in your budget, even if they're not paid through you
*ask participants to contribute a reasonable amount to the cost
! Campus Life
| pretty much anything that happens on contributions to the betterment of campus - social events, networking events, cool life for McGill undergraduate student population; initiativesof academic, workshopssocial, guest speakers, etc.athletic nature ||*initiative must take place on campus*must benefit McGill undergraduate students first and foremost|
*include projected attendance/involvement
*make your budget very clear, so that it is easy to tell the difference between food & alcohol expenses and everything else
! First Year
| anything targeted at events that enhance the experience of first -year students || must benefit first-year students primarily || (same as above) || (same as above)
! Equity
| equity initiatives opportunities aiming to end discrimination, promote inclusivity and accessibility; Foster leadership, encourage civic engagement, make observable differences in representation or experience of disadvantaged groups || *must be inclusive wherever possible*focus on making McGill community more equitable and inclusive| (same as above) || (same as above)
! Mental Health
| the promotion of mental health initiatives awareness, improve student mental health, support de-stigmatization of mental issues on campus || *initiative funded should focus on supporting McGill students and other community members *fund can go towards events and ongoing operations| (same as above) || (same as above)
! Environment
| the promotion of the culture of sustainability initiatives - my example is using it to cover ; reducing the difference environmental impacts of a group, campus resources or services || event or initiative must be in cost required to make your activity more environmentally friendly itself sustainable ||
* include the costs of both the original and more sustainable options
| (same as above)
! Space
| physical improvements to student spaceson campus, similar to the EUS Student Space Fund || promote improvements to spaces specifically on the McGill campus || ||
! Community Engagement
| empowering club members to engage in charitable events initiatives; build connections between McGill students and surrounding community/ fundraising events for a charity || *sole purpose of event cannot be fundraising*not for ongoing operations||
! Club
| ONLY AVAILABLE TO FULL STATUS providing funding for club activities throughout the semester; support operational costs, events, initiatives; activities should correspond to club mandate || be a full-status SSMU CLUBS club in good standing with society's rules and regulations || - ||
* apply for this fund if you're not a SSMU Club

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