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Blues Pub

31 bytes removed, 19:10, 24 September 2019
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There ''should'' be at least 5 members serving at the bar at a time; however less are needed in the first hour of Blues Pub on average.
== Hosts ==
Unlike other student run bars, Blues Pub is hosted by a different group every week. This is because the profits of Blues Pub go to the hosting organization; that is to say, that Blues Pub is intended to help groups generate an additional source of revenue! <br><div style="text-align:center">
Hosting opportunities are limited to EUS organizations and [[Departments|departments]], as there are few spots available every year. It is standard that departments receive one Blues Pub a semester receiving priority, while other organizations may apply for one Blues Pub a year. It's not uncommon for tertiary organizations with the EUS to share the responsibility of a Blues Pub, sharing the wealth. Hosting is allocated over the summer proceeding the academic year.

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