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Chemical Engineering Student Society

4 bytes added, 18:21, 24 September 2019
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| data3 = []
'''The Chemical Engineering Students' Society'''(ChESS) is a student organization representing all of the undergraduate Chemical Engineering students at McGill University. ChESS exists to promote student life and learning--, through developmental workshops and tutorials, academic forums, industry tours, corporate cocktails and end-of-year banquets.
==Organizational Structure==
[[File:ChESS Council.jpg|thumbnail]]
| VP Engagement || {{chess.vpengagement@}}
| U1 U2 Representative || {{chess.u2rep@}}
In hopes for transparency, here is where your money goes. These are past budgets, not for current year as it is constantly updated.
<tab name="ChESS 2015-2016 Budget" collapsed=""><pdf>File:Budget-2015-2016.pdf</pdf></tab>
==Our Hubs==

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