no edit summary
|Pay= Min. Wage
|Skills= Attentive, responsive, independent
|uniqueID=x{{Random number|seed=1}}x1
{{Job Board Post
|Duration= N/A
|Skills= Fun loving
|uniqueID=x{{Random number|seed=2}}x2
{{Job Board Post
|Pay= Minimum Wage
|Skills=Independent, reliable
|uniqueID=xx3}}{{Random numberJob Board Post|Position=Co-chair|Group=Engineering Diversity at McGill (EDM)|Logo=eusequity.png|Cat=Event|Deadline=Jan 30|AppLink=https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfiCbnuWvQ7lcYpvxS025nI-VcqKWaO9UkJD8jtM9US4mIJyA/viewform?usp=sf_link|Description=EDM is a one-day conference hosted at McGill, which focuses on diversity in engineering in the context of many identities, including race, gender, sexual orientation, and ability. Currently, we are looking for two co-chairs as well as coordinators to lead the organizing committee in conjunction with the VP Student Life. Please answer the questions below to the best of your ability -- experience with equity or event planning is not strictly necessary! If you're passionate about diversity in engineering, this is the application for you! [https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfiCbnuWvQ7lcYpvxS025nI-VcqKWaO9UkJD8jtM9US4mIJyA/viewform?usp=sf_link Apply here] by Wednesday, January 30th at 5PM. If you have any questions, please email [mailto:vpstudentlife@mcgilleus.ca vpstudentlife@mcgilleus.ca].|Workload= Varies|Duration= Feb - Nov 2019|Skills=Leadership|seeduniqueID=3x4}}{{Job Board Post|Position=General Member|Group=Mental Wellness Committee|Logo=mentalhealthlogo.png|Cat=Committee|Deadline=N/A|AppLink=mailto:vpstudentlife@mcgilleus.ca|Description=The Mental Wellness Committee is looking for members! If you're interested in planning fun events centering around self-care and mental wellness awareness, reach out to [mailto:vpstudentlife@mcgilleus.ca vpstudentlife@mcgilleus.ca].|Workload= 1hr/week|Duration= Winter 2019|Skills=Planning events, self-care aware|uniqueID=x5