no edit summary
|Pay= Min. Wage
|Skills= Attentive, responsive, independent
|uniqueID=x{{Random number}}
{{Job Board Post
|Position= General Member
|Group= [[EAC]]
|Cat= Committee
|Deadline= Jan 20
|AppLink= https://bit.ly/applyEAC
|Description=The Engineering Adventure Committee (EAC) is seeking new members to plan fun, inclusive, non-drinking events! EAC is a non-hierarchical committee dedicated to having a fantastic time; past events include laser tag, bowling, trips to Laronde, and more. If you are interested in coordinating events, please fill out this interest form.
Any questions? Email [mailto:eac@mcgilleus.ca eac@mcgilleus.ca] 🗻
|Workload= N/A
|Duration= N/A
|Skills= Fun loving
|uniqueID=x{{Random number}}
{{Job Board Post
|Group=[[The Cube]] 3D Printing
|Deadline=Feb 10
|Description=The Cube 3D printing service is hiring one part-time student technician for the upcoming year! If you’re a second or third year student with an interest in additive manufacturing and 3D scanning, please submit your CV and a brief personal statement (telling us about your experience, why you'd like to get involved, etc.) to [mailto:cube@mcgilleus.ca cube@mcgilleus.ca] with the subject line “Winter 2019 Student Tech Applicant" by February 10, 2019. No experience is required, however the successful applicant will have excellent managerial and organisational skills.
|Workload= Varies
|Duration= For the foreseeable future
|Pay= Minimum Wage
|Skills=Independent, reliable
|uniqueID=x{{Random number}}