:*''"Assessment" entails any student activity in a Course for which a grade is granted (2.1.1)''
:*''Evaluations should be fair, reasonable & reflect the content of a Course (3.1.1)''
As a result, “Midterm conflicts” exist when two in-term Examinations are scheduled at the same time '''outside of class''', or an in-term Examination is scheduled outside of class at the same time as a different class. In these circumstances, students are permitted to write a [[#Exam Deferrals|Deferred Examination(s)]]. However, the instructors of each class should consult in order to mutually determine who shall offer the make-up examination. If a mutual decision is not possible, the regulations on exam conflicts from the student’s home Faculty will apply (Article 7.1.5).
===Grade Breakdowns===
*There should be more than one assessment for each course (3.1.4)
:*''Exceptions include clinical evaluations in the Faculty of Medicine and requirements for grandfathered sessional lecturers in the Faculty of Law.''
*If a participation grade will be worth more than 10%, a clear rubric must be provided outlining evaluation criteria (3.1.6)
*Final exams should not be worth more than 75% of the grade, unless the student is given a legitimate choice (6.1.3)
===Reviewing Grades===
Every student has the right to be informed upon request of their standing or performance in the Course while it is being taught ([[Charter of Students' Rights#PART III: Academic Rights|Charter of Student Rights]]).
In addition, students have a right to an impartial and competent reread of any written Assessment and, where warranted, a revision of the grade received (3.7.1). Both guarantees are subject to “reasonable” administrative arrangements and time-frame. The administrative process for most reassessments is regulated at the Faculty level.
=Course Syllabi=