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91 bytes added, 12:24, 27 June 2018
no edit summary
The '''''EUS Handbook''''' is an annual booklet provided for ''FREE'' to all engineering students. The handbook consists of a glossary of all [[EUS Groups]] with descriptions, a guide to [[execs]] and [[departments]], an agenda for the academic year, as well as general resources around campus.
To pickup your free handbook, come to the [[EUS Office]] during office hours, equipped with a student ID (for proof of enrollment in engineering).<br><center><big>''Handbook quantity is limited, first come first serve. ''</big></center>
==Handbook Committee==
The "Handbook Committee" hasn't really existed in recent history. The handbook is normally created by a single committed Handbook Editor, tasked with compiling all the information. The committee tends to form towards the end of the Winter Semester, working clear through the final publishing deadline of early July. Outside of that, the committee tends not to exist.The Handbook Committee is overseen by the [[VP Communications]].

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