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129 bytes removed, 21:11, 11 May 2018
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Bylaws in brief are the documents that the EUS is '''''legally responsibleBylaws''''' for upholding. This has not been reflected in practice. Conversely, [[policies]] are documents that are guiding principles and best practices- defined as ''"a lot set of what are identified as bylaws below are not only not currently binding legal rules adopted by Quebec Law, they're better off relabeled as policies.<br>This is reflected in the creation of the [[Board of Governors]] and ratified by a [[General Assembly]] or adopted by a General Assembly and ratified by the constitutional amendments made in EUS Board of Governors for the Winter 2017 governance of EUS legal affairs."'' <br>These are not to be mistaken with [[Referendumpolicies]], which are documents that are guiding principles and best practices. <br>
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