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2 bytes removed, 00:46, 14 November 2013
Parameters: wowzers, fix that typo
* <code>item_style1</code>, <code>item_style2</code>, <code>item_style3</code>... - custom css styles for each of the list items. The format is the same as for the {{para|style}} parameter. The <code>li_style1</code>, <code>li_style2</code> <code>li_style3</code> ... parameters are aliases for these parameters, included for backwards compatibility.
* <code>indent</code> - this parameter indents the list, for horizontal and horizontal numbered lists only. The value must be a number, e.g. <code>2</code>. The indent is calculated in [[Em (typography)|em]], and is 1.6 times the value specified. If no indent is specified, the default is zero.
* <code>start</code> - sets the start number for numbered lists. This is also supported in theory for horizontal numbered lists, but in practice, as of November 2013, this does not work due to lack of browswer browser support.* <code>type</code> - the type of numbering for numbered lists. Possible values are "1" for numbers (the default), "A" for uppercase letters, "a" for lowercase letters, "I" for uppercase [[Roman numerals]], and "i" for lowercase Roman numerals. This is also supported in theory for horizontal numbered lists, but in practice, as of November 2013, this does not work due to lack of browswer browser support.
== Examples ==
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