use PAGETYPE variable with the reset reason
local ret = ''
if protectionObj.protectionDate then
ret = ret .. 'On ${PROTECTIONDATE} this article ${PAGETYPE} was'
ret = ret .. 'This article ${PAGETYPE} has been'
ret = ret .. ' reduced to a'
.. ' Standard Wikipedia policies will apply to its rewriting—which'
.. ' will eventually be open to all editors—and will be strictly'
.. ' enforced. The article ${PAGETYPE} has been ${PROTECTIONLEVEL} while'
.. ' it is being rebuilt.\n\n'
.. 'Any insertion of material directly from'
.. ' pre-protection revisions of the article ${PAGETYPE} will be removed, as' .. ' will any material added to the article ${PAGETYPE} that is not properly'
.. ' sourced. The associated talk page(s) were also cleared on the'
.. " same date.\n\n"