restructure a little and add default banner config details
-- This module provides configuration data for [[Module:Protection banner]].
local cfg , msg = {}, {}
-- Banner configdefaults
-- A table of If no protection bannersreason is specified, sorted by protection typeor no banner data exists for the-- reason given, then this data will be used for the banner. Individual items-- from this data will also be used if that item doesn't exist in the reason--- specific banner config. -- All banner config messages can use the following parameters:
-- $1 = Intro blurb, e.g. "This page is currently
-- [[Help:Protection|protected]] from editing"
-- $16 = Deletion discussion link
-- $17 = Deletion log link
-- $18 = The explanation text, based on the protection action and level.
cfg.defaultBanners = {
edit = {},
move = {},
create = {},
autoreview = {}
cfg.defaultBanners.edit.autoconfirmed = {
alt = 'Page semi-protected'
cfg.defaultBanners.edit.templateeditor = {
alt = 'Page template-protected'
cfg.defaultBanners.edit.default = {
text = '$1.',
explanation = 'See the [[Wikipedia:Protection policy|'
.. 'protection policy]] and $10 for more details. $18',
tooltip = 'This $4 is $7$8.',
alt = 'Page protected'
cfg.defaultBanners.move.default = {
text = '$1.',
explanation = 'See the [[Wikipedia:Protection policy|'
.. 'protection policy]] and $10 for more details. $18',
tooltip = 'This $4 is $7$8.',
alt = 'Page move-protected'
cfg.defaultBanners.create.default = {
text = '$1.',
explanation = 'See the [[Wikipedia:Protection policy|'
.. 'protection policy]] and $10 for more details. $18',
tooltip = 'This $4 is $7$8.',
alt = 'Page creation-protected'
cfg.defaultBanners.create.reviewer = {
alt = 'Page protected with pending changes level 2'
cfg.defaultBanners.create.autoconfirmed = {
alt = 'Page protected with pending changes level 1'
cfg.defaultBanners.create.default = {
text = '$1.',
explanation = 'See the [[Wikipedia:Protection policy|'
.. 'protection policy]] and $10 for more details. $18',
tooltip = 'This $4 is $7$8.',
alt = 'Page protected with pending changes'
-- Banner config
cfg.banners = {
explanation = "This protection is '''not''' an endorsement of the $9.",
tooltip = 'due to editing disputes',
categoryOrder = 'reason',
cfg.banners.move.dispute = {
explanation = "This protection is '''not''' an endorsement of the $109",
image = 'Padlock-olive.svg'
.. ' subject to review',
image = 'Padlock-orange.svg'
msg['dispute-edit-link-display'] = 'current version'
msg['more-details-pc-log-display'] = 'pending changes log'
msg['more-details-protection-log-display'] = 'protection log'