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267 bytes added, 03:15, 29 January 2014
handle nil values of addTrackingCategory properly, and don't categorise testcases pages in the module namespace
-- 'testcases-subpage' --> 'testcases'
-- 'strange-usage-category' --> 'Wikipedia pages with strange ((documentation)) usage'
-- /testcases pages in the module namespace are not categorised, as they may have
-- {{documentation}} transcluded automatically.
local title = env.title
local subjectSpace = env.subjectSpace
if not title or not subjectSpace then
return nil
local subpage = title.subpageText
local ret = ''
if message('display-strange-usage-category', nil, 'boolean')
and ( subpage == message('doc-subpage') or subjectSpace ~= 828 and subpage == message('testcases-subpage') )
ret = ret .. makeCategoryLink(message('strange-usage-category'))
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