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|3=How to rent a babrecue with EUS and McGill
|3=Checkout what's going on right now in the EUS
|3=Reserve spaces across campus
|3=The EUS logo, fonts, and colors.
|3=Get in touch with any position in the EUS.
|3=There's way too many acronyms. Here's a list.
|5=#73a6de73D2DE|6=#fff}}{{Launchpad Card|1=Deals, Deals, Deals|2=Deals, Deals, Deals!|3=Compare bargains from different orgs. to get the best deal.|4=fa-shopping-cart|5=#73D2DE|6=#fff}}{{Launchpad Card|1=Tech Cabinet|2=Tech Rentals|3=Borrow an extension chord, projector, and more|4=fa-microchip|5=#73D2DE|6=#fff}}{{Launchpad Card|1=Server Training|2=Server Training|3=Get that ''legit as shit'' server badge for OAP, Blues, etc.|4=fa-beer|5=#73D2DE|6=#fff}}{{Launchpad Card|1=EUS Council|2=Council Motions|3=Take a look at everything Council's done since 2016|4=fa-gavel|5=#73D2DE