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::6.1.4. The right to call to question the current ChESS Council and initiate referenda as outlined in paragraph 6.4
:6.2. All Regular Members shall be afforded the following privileges:
::6.2.1. To hold office within ChESS, pending the satisfaction of the respective qualifications outlined in ===Article 19===::6.2.2. To make use of ChESS equipment, facilities, and services.
::6.2.3. To be a member of a ChESS subcommittee
:6.3. All Regular Members shall be obliged to conform to the ChESS Constitution and the EUS Constitution, Bylaws, and regulations.
===Article 7 – Dissolution of the Society===
:7.1. In the event of the dissolution of the Society all fees and assets shall be transferred to the EUS.
=Title II – The Organization of the Society =
===Article 8 – ChESS Council===8.1. The Executive Committee shall consist of the following:
:17.3. All Subcommittee Members and Managers shall be selected by selection committee consisting of the respective Executive in charge, the President, and at least one other Regular Member, subject to ratification by Council.
=Title III – Elections, Referenda, and Terms of Office =
===Article 18 – ChESS Council Elections===:18.1. All ChESS Executives shall be elected by simple majority vote of all Regular Members by secret ballot.
:18.2. All Class Representatives, with the exception of the U0 and U1 Class Representatives, will be elected by simple majority vote of their respective constituent class by secret ballot.
:18.3. The U1 Class Representative shall be elected by simple majority vote of the U1 Class by a show of hands in a well-attended U1 class before 30 September.
:23.2. In order to appoint a replacement the vacancy shall be advertised to the Regular Members and applications for the position shall be accepted over a minimum one week period. Following the application period applicants will be reviewed by the ChESS
:7 Council and the replacement will be chosen by simple majority vote of the ChESS Council.
:23.3. In the event of a vacancy in the position of President the VP Internal will take over as interim leader of ChESS Council and will facilitate the appointment of a new President within one month of the impeachment or resignation. In the event of multiple vacancies the order of precedence to fill the role of interim leader will follow the order the Executives are listed in ===Article 8 paragraph 8.1. ===Article 24 – Impeachment===
:24.1. Any member of the ChESS Council may be removed from office for impropriety, violations of the provision of the ChESS constitution, or delinquency of duties.
:24.2. A motion to impeach a ChESS Councillor must be presented to the ChESS Council with a petition signed by the greater of 20% of the constituency or 20 members of the constituency. Note, for Class Representatives the constituency is the respective Class; for ChESS Executives the constituency is defined as the entire body of General Members
:24.5. In the event a ChESS Councillor is impeached he or she shall be permanently barred from nomination for a future position within ChESS Council.
=Title IV – Council Meetings, Freedom of Information, and Spending =
===Article 25 – ChESS Council Meetings===:25.1. The ChESS Council shall meet at least once every 2 weeks while classes are in session
:25.2. Quorum shall be held if two-thirds of the members of the council are present.
===Article 26 – Freedom of Information===
:27.3. The President and Vice-President Finance shall be the only financial officers of the ChESS. Only they will hold the key or combination to access the ChESS safe, and only they will have the power to distribute ChESS funds via EUS Cheque Requisition.
=Title V – The Constitution =
===Article 28 – The Constitution===:28.1. The EUS shall take precedence over the ChESS. In the case of conflict between the EUS Constitution and the ChESS Constitution the EUS Constitution shall prevail.
:28.2. This constitution supersedes all previous ChESS Constitutions that may have existed.
:28.3. A constitutional amendment shall only be passed to referendum by a two-thirds majority vote by ChESS Council with full attendance at which time the amendment must then pass referendum by two-thirds majority of the Regular Members of the ChESS.