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Constitution of the Chemical Engineering Students' Society

No change in size, 19:22, 17 November 2017
Article 24 – Impeachment
===Article 24 – Impeachment===
:1.1.153. Any member of the ChESS Council may be removed from office for impropriety, violations of the provision of the ChESS constitution, or delinquency of duties.
:1.1.154. A motion to impeach a ChESS Councillor must be presented to the ChESS Council with a petition signed by the greater of 20% of the constituency or20 members of the constituency. Note, for Class Representatives the constituency is the respective Class; for ChESS Executives the constituency is defined as the entire body of General Members
:1.1.155. A motion for impeachment shall require a two-thirds majority to carry
:1.1.156. Quorum for the decision on a motion for impeachment shall be defined as four fifths of the ChESS Council
:1.1.157. In the event a ChESS Councillor is impeached he or she shall be permanently barred from nomination for a future position within ChESS Council.  
=Title IV – Council Meetings, Freedom of Information, and Spending=
===Article 25 – ChESS Council Meetings===

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