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Article 30 –Deputy Returning Officer
::(ii) be responsible for conducting Elections and Referenda according to the Electoral and Referendum Bylaws of the M.A.M.E.
:30.3 The DRO is prohibited from proposing a question for a referendum conducted by the M.A.M.E.
===Article 31 – Procedures===
:31.1 The elections shall be held between March 1st and March 31st according to the schedule defined by the Elections E.U.S.’ Chief Returning Officer.
:31.2 Voting shall be conducted by secret electronic ballot of Regular Members of the M.A.M.E. using the Elections E.U.S. Online Voting Platform.
:31.6 In the event that only one candidate is nominated for a position, a vote of confidence shall be held. The candidate must obtain fifty percent (50%) plus 1 (+1) of the votes. If this is not the case, the position shall remain vacant.
:31.7 Counting of ballots shall be performed electronically by the Elections E.U.S. Online Voting Platform as overseen by the E.U.S. Chief Returning Officer and the DCRO.
===Article 32 – Initiation of the Referendum Procedure===
:32.1 A referendum may be initiated by:

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