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1,292 bytes added, 03:21, 15 November 2017
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#REDIRECT[[EUS_StructureImage:Eus_council_logo.png|right|200px]]The '''''EUS Council''''' is the foremost representative body of the EUS. Meeting twice a week during the academic year, it's responsibilities include holding the [[Executive Committee]] accountable, enact initiatives to improve student's experience, and defining policies and resolutions to enact further change. The EUS Council is primarily outlined in [[EUS_Constitution#EUS_CouncilArticle_22:_Powers_and_Duties|Article 22 of the EUS Constitution]]. <center> [[Council:2016-2017|''Note: this page will '''Abridged council meeting motions can be filled found here''''eventually']]</center> ==Membership==The EUS Council is made up of * The [[Executives|EUS Executives]]* U1-U4 Representatives of each [[Departmental Society]]* The President of each [[Departmental Society]]* The Design Team Representative* The Clubs Representative* The U0 Representative from [[Junior Council]]* The [[Senator|Engineering Senator]]* The [[SSMU Representatives]]* The [[Speaker|EUS Speaker]] (non-voting)This is a total of 54 voting members; as such, quorum shall be 27. ==Meetings==The EUS Council ''must''meet at least once every four weeks during the academic year, but tends to meet every two weeks. Anyone is permitted to attend, excluding the event of a confidential session, which can be called by a 2/3 majority vote. Quorum for Council shall be 50% of it's membership, 27 people.

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