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Online Payments

208 bytes added, 15:29, 21 October 2017
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===Yapsody Fees===
[[File:Yapsody_fees.png|200px|thumb|right]] Yapsody started charging a bit of money per ticket sold. Since this happened suddenly and recently, the EUS will cover the fees, at least for now.Make sure that following bullet point is ticked. Otherwise, the yapsody fees will be charged to your customers instead of the EUS.<div style="clear: both;"></div>
===Stripe Fees===
Stripe charges the following fees for the use of credit cards. '''These fees will be charger charged to your group !''' Make sure to take them into account when planning your event's budget. Due to substantially higher fees, American Express cards have been disabled. In general, it it safe to assume that about 15% of people will pay with international credit cards and the rest, with canadian cards.
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