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Board of Governors

5 bytes removed, 14:53, 21 September 2017
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<center>''For more information on how the BoG interacts with other groups in the EUS, navigate to [[EUS Structure]]''</center>
The '''''Board of Governors''''' of the Engineering Undergraduate Society, or BoG, is an administrative body tasked with ensuring the legal and financial security of the society. Created in the Winter 2017 Referendum in response to the rapidly expanding student society, the Board is still finding it's boundaries with [[EUS Council]], primary roles, etc.<br>
The Board of Governors is the entity ''legally responsible'' for the state of the Engineering Undergraduate Society; this includes, but is not limited to:
*Holding the [[Executive Committee|execs]] accountable
*Direct oversight of EUS Committees with more than $50,000 in expenses (such as [[OAP]], [[Frosh]], etc.)
<center>''For more information on how the BoG interacts with other groups in the EUS, navigate to [[EUS Structure]]''</center>
==Constitutional Definition==
The role of the Board of Governors is outlined in [[EUS_Constitution#SECTION_IV:_BOARD_OF_GOVERNORS|Section 4 of the EUS Constitution]].

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