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Promoting Opportunities for Women in Engineering

104 bytes added, 20:37, 6 September 2017
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| labelstyle = background-color:#ddd;
|header1=Executive Team
| label1 = PresidentCo-Presidents| data1 = Vanessa JonesIsabella Bozzo & Stephanie Greene
| label2 = VP Finance
| data2 = Sarah MaEmma Rozier| label3= VP Internal|data3=Sheelah McCarthyMarika Ueda|label4=VP External|data4=Jacqueline VareyJenny Pan|label5=VP Outreach|data5=Shawn FontaineTaylor Lynn Curtis|label6=VP Conference|data6=Helen LynnSara Bozzo| label7= VP Mentorship|data3=Diana Serra|label8=VP Communications|data4=Nina Qi |data7data9=[ Website]
'''Promoting Opportunities for Women in Engineering (POWE)''' is a McGill student-run organization with a vision to increase the presence of women in the engineering classroom and profession. To achieve this goal, POWE reaches out to future engineering students and supports current students through professional development activities.
One of the largest and most successful events that POWE organizes is Speed Networking. At our Speed Networking event, we invite professional engineers to share their experiences. The evening is always extremely successful and gives students the opportunity to learn from, connect, and network with engineering professionals. In the past year, the event has always filled quickly and has drawn 80 students and 25 professionals. Due to its success, POWE also hosts a Fall Speed-Mentoring, where we invite 10-15 professionals.
===POWE Conference===
By far POWE’s largest event, the Conference for Future Women in Engineering has been an annual event at McGill for over a decade. The event is so successful that we always fill to capacity months prior. During the conference, over 100 135 high school students from the Montreal and surrounding area come to McGill for a day to experience a microcosm of what it means to be a McGill Engineering student. The full day conference involves a keynote speaker, lab tours, student and professor panels, and concludes with a design competition. Year after year, we receive enormously positive feedback from both teachers and students.
===Industry Tours===
POWE visits many industries throughout the year. These tours aim to expose students to a wise variety of possible career paths with the hope of encouraging female students to remain within the discipline after graduation. In the past, POWE has visited Medtronics, CSA (Canadian Space Agency), Pfizer, Pepsi Co., IREQ (Hydro-Quebec Research Institute), and l'Oreal Canada.[[File:POWE_WISE.jpg|thumb|right|220px|POWE Delegation at WISE 2014]]

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