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EUS Structure

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Administration & Beyond
The [ Students' Society of McGill University] is a body dedicated to representing all 23,000+ undergraduate students on the downtown campus of McGill University. Our [[SSMU Reps|Engineering/SSMU Reps]] (depending on which side of the table you're on) represent all engineering undergraduate students on [ SSMU Legislative Council], where policies & motions regarding undergraduate life are passed. That structure.... well, good luck trying to understand the SSMU Club Map. All you need to know is we are represented by SSMU, but the EUS as an organization does not need to align with SSMU's decisions.
===Administration & Beyond===
There are a number of positions who interact with the levels of administration at mcgill (e.g. [[MESC]], the Engineering Faculty, McGill's Board of Directors, the Engineering Dean, and so on), most notably the [[Engineering EUS Senator]], [[VP Academic]], and [[President]].<br>
An explicit rundown of the EUS' agreement with McGill is outline in the [[MoA|Memorandum of Agreement]], a documents whose purpose is to draw exactly that line between us.

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