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'''Council is responsible for''' enacting tangible improvements to the [[Regular Members|regular members]] of the EUS, holding SSMU Reps/Eng Senator/Execs accountable, enacting [[Policies]]&Resolutions to be carried out, and creating any various [[Committees]] to further attain a better society.<br>
EUS Council is adjacent in responsibility to the [[Board of Governors]], who's role is more administrative and legal in nature. '''EUS Council is held responsible by''' [[General Assembly]] exclusively.
==General Assembly==
A [[General Assembly]] is a forum called to represent all engineering undergraduate students. It may be initiated by a Motion at [[EUS Council]] or by 100 [[Regular Members]] of the EUS. '''The purpose of a General Assembly''' is to act as a forum for all engineering students to ratify amendments to [[Bylaws]] or create [[Bylaws]] ''(with the approval of the [[BoG]]), alter the financial structure of the EUS, and assign resolutions mandating EUS Council, the BoG, or the Executive Committee.
==Board of Governors==
Created by the Winter 2017 Referendum, the Board of Governors is a new entity dedicated to the overarching administrative aspects of the EUS. '''The Board of Governors is responsible for''':