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EUS Equity

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Winter Forums
Forum on Accessibility and Universal Design in the Faculty of Engineering
EUS and the Faculty of Engineering are co-organizing a lunch-time forum on Accessibility and Universal Design.
The aim of the forum is to create awareness and further discussions about accessibility and Universal Design as an integral part of the profession of engineers, planners and architects.
The forum will focus on applications of Universal Design (UD) as implemented in industry and in the fields of engineering, technology, architecture and urban planning. This discussion hopes to introduce the concept and principles of Universally Designed technology, products and services. It will focus on three topics of UD within industry: technology interface design, industrial product design, and physical space (architectural) design and planning.Design is fundamental to the engineering curriculum; therefore, there is a need to ensure that design curriculum addresses these issues so that McGill’s graduating engineers will have the tools and knowledge to design products and projects with everyone’s needs in mind. The aim of introducing UD in classrooms (e.g. in a design project form) is to build awareness and skills related to Universal Design and to improve inclusivity and accessibility of the engineering design curriculum through resulting development of Universally Designed ideas and products.
'''Format'''The forum will consist consists of a 1.5hr panel discussion with experts working at the forefronts of UD and accessibility and are implementing Universal Design into their work.
'''Target Audience'''
All members of the McGill Faculty of Engineering community are welcome. One of the forum’s goals is to create a common understanding of Universal Design amongst students, faculty and staff.
This forum is the second in a series of events that will aim at building long-term support networks within the Engineering community, through sharing of perspectives and experiences; developing a shared understanding of the challenges and benefits of creating a truly inclusive and accessible community in Engineering; maintaining an atmosphere of common engagement and commitment towards this community.
The panel was comprised of four experts whose work focuses on accessibility, and who implement universal design in their work. Before the discussion began, keynote speaker Isabelle Cardinal, the Consultation Services Director at Société Logique, a non-profit that promotes creating universally accessible spaces, explained the concept of universal design.
The panel was comprised of four experts whose work focuses on accessibility, and who implement universal design in their work. Before the discussion began, keynote speaker Isabelle Cardinal, the Consultation Services Director at Société Logique, a non-profit that promotes creating universally accessible spaces, explained the concept of universal design.
Michael Kokkolaras, a mechanical engineering professor, noted during the discussion period that accessibility is often not incorporated in design because of the way engineers are taught.
TITLEJenna Laham?, NAMEAFFILIATIONMCGILL CONTACTSTATUS OF COMMUNICATIONSMs. Ling SuenConsultantDirector a U3 student in chemical engineering and member of Transport Planningthe EUS Equity Committee, noted that in classrooms, ICSASimrinbio students are taught to think ahead when it comes to costs and headshot receivedMr. Marcto under-Andre PlourdeArchitectProfessorbudget, CEGEP de Vieux MontrealSimrinrequested bio and headshot Dr. Ernesto GonsalvesArchitect, Ph.DAss. Professor and Researcher at CIRRIS, Ubut not so much to consider costs of accessibility. LavalEmily Curlingrequested bio and headshot Isabelle CardinalArchitectDirector of Consultation Services, Societe LogiqueSimrinphone conversation planned for 2-FebDavid Macdonald
President, CanAdapt Technologies
Emilie F
possibility...depends on their free time
EUS and the Faculty of Engineering are co-organizing a lunch-time forum on Accessibility and Universal Design.
The aim of the forum is to create awareness and further discussions about accessibility and Universal Design as an integral part of the profession of engineers, planners and architects.
The forum will focus on applications of Universal Design (UD) as implemented in industry and in the fields of engineering, technology, architecture and urban planning. This discussion hopes to introduce the concept and principles of universally designed technology, products and services. This discussion will be led by professors who teach and work in universal design and industry leaders and innovators working at the forefronts of UD. It will focus on three topics of UD within industry: technology interface accessibility design, industrial product design, and physical space (architectural) design.
Engineering design is fundamental to the engineering curriculum; therefore, there is a need to ensure that design curriculum -- especially in the design classroom or lab -- addresses these issues so that McGill’s graduating engineers will have the tools and knowledge to design products and projects with everyone’s needs in mind. The aim of introducing UD in classrooms (e.g. in a design project form) is to build awareness and skills related to universal design and to improve inclusivity and accessibility of the engineering design curriculum through resulting development of UD-ed ideas and products.
The forum will consist of a panel discussion with experts who are implementing Universal Design in their work. Panelists include ….
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