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EUS Equity

1,088 bytes added, 20:40, 12 February 2017
filled workshop section
= Events =
== Workshops ==
The objective of the workshop is to give the participants a different perspective and inform about equity and inclusivity. It is a meeting that engage a discussion or an activity between the participants and the workshop instructors. The norms of the workshops given by the equity Committee are respect, engagement, openness, inclusiveness and confidentiality. Scenarios are discussed, opinions are shared and list of resources are usually made accessible during the workshops. The Equity Committee wish to provide tangible tools for the audience to know how to
#make events accessible
#use inclusive language
#deal with students with specific needs
#learn what resources and services are available and how to access them.
#solve real-life situation
The workshops are given to multiple councils of McGill University.
:Architecture (ASA)
:Mining (CMEUS)
:Mechanical (MAME)
:Chemical (CHESS)
:Materials (MEUS)
:Civil (CEUS)
:Electrical, Computer, Software
:Junior Council
:Queer Engineer (QE)
:Blues Pub Managers
:EUS Execs
The committee also gave workshop during classes FACC 100
== Forums ==

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