,no edit summary
While criteria from the list above are hard requirements, this section aims to provide tips on how to make a slide as effective as possible.
* '''<span style="color: green;">Do</span> keep it short!''' : Slides are displayed for 8 seconds. If people don't have time to read most of the slide, they will ignore it.
* '''<span style="color: green;">Do</span> put big text''': People should be able to read your slide even if they aren't standing right next to the TV. As a rule of thumb, step back 3m away from your computer (for a 13-inch laptop screen)and make sure you can still read all the text on your slide.
* '''<span style="color: green;">Do</span> keep a high contrast''': Use [http://webaim.org/resources/contrastchecker/ this tool] if you are unsure if the contrast between your background and your text is high enough.
* '''<span style="color: green;">Do</span> put your logo''': Logos are easily recognized by people and will draw their attention if they already know your club/committee/event.