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1 byte added, 17:01, 2 January 2017
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:''The information provided below was last updated <br>on October 9, 2016''
[[File:Copieus_binding.png|200px|thumb|right|Binding Prices]][[File:Copieus_pricing.jpg|200px|thumb|left]] General pricing for printing, lamination, fax, and other services can be found in the chart to the left.
===Internal Pricing===
Organizations within the EUS that have an account on the General Ledger are eligible for printing at a reduced cost. Additionally all payments can be directly removed from your account using the Internal Charge Book; no need to bring cash or credit if you're printing on behalf of an EUS group, skip the [[Cheque Requistion|cheque-req]] process all together! ''Note: You must be authorized by your organizations relevant authority to do so.''
[[File:Copieus_binding.png|200px|thumb|left|Binding Prices]]If you have notes/electronic documents you would like to bind, or if you're looking to expand an existing notebook ''(printed at CopiEUS)'' to contain more notes, that's entirely possible! The pricing for such a service can be found using the image to the right. ''Note: Tax is already included!''

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