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How to Wiki

71 bytes added, 12:35, 2 January 2017
This is the extension is used to facilitate YouTube videos, Google Docs/Spreadsheet embeds, and more. In order to use a widget, you must make sure the Widget:Namespace is an article on this wiki. More information can be [ found here], [ more widgets here].
===Specific Widgets===
<tabs><tab name===="Google Document====">
{{#widget:Google Document
Where the id is the unique key in the URL of the spreadsheet you're trying to embed. Make sure that the document is published (''Note: this is not uniquely the same as viewable with link; on the document, navigate to File>Publish to the Web'').
</tab><tab name===="Google Spreadsheet", index===="2">
Spreadsheets are essentially the same mechanism as documents (above), simply call Google Spreadsheet instead. For example:
</tab><tab name===="Google Form", index===="3">
{{#widget:Google Form
</tab><tab name===="Youtube", index===="4">
To call YouTube videos in documents, all you need is the video id (the unique key at the end of the video's URL). The height and width can be adjusted from the default 420x350 by adding <code>|height=xxx|width=xxx</code> after the id.<br>
====Google Documents====</tab></tabs>

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