,→Member Learning
===Member Learning===
EWB’s first step is to reach out to engineers and make them aware of, excited about, and more knowledgeable about, development issues. EWB-McGill aims to reach out to our members through our Monthly ‘Development Workshops’. The goals of these workshops is as follows:
::*'''Promoting global citizenship ''' – having impact from Canada.To develop members into global engineers, who realize first that activities they undertake here in Canada have a development impact overseas, and second that sustainable solutions should be integrated into their personal and professional lives. A main component of that is to encourage public outreach – to give members the skills and desire to reach out to the general public and help make them more aware of development challenges around the world and actions that they can take regarding their new awareness.::*'''Improving our members’ “development worker” skills'''.To promote, within our members, the characteristics that one needs to work successfully in development overseas. This includes honing our members’ approach, commitment, knowledge and skills