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How to Wiki

34 bytes added, 14:04, 9 October 2016
Many bylaws, policies, agendas, etc. come in the beautiful electronic format '''PDF'''. Better yet, you can slyly embed a PDF into a tab such that it's expandable, while not taking up too much space. To do so, implement the aforementioned "Tag" syntax:<br>
<center><code><nowiki><tab name="I've eaten a PDF" collapsed></nowiki></tab><br></code></center>
Inside of the Tab you can place a pdf using the following syntax:<br>
Put the two together, <code><tab name="I've eaten a PDF" collapsed><pdf>File:Libraryofbabel1.pdf</pdf></tab></code>, and you get:<br>
<tab name="I've eaten a PDF" collapsed><pdf>File:Libraryofbabel1.pdf</pdf></tab>

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