* ''Periodic Reunion Permit:'' Valid for a reoccurring series of dates
===Before you apply===
*:#'''You are applying at least four weeks in advance'''<br>*:#'''You have booked a space that is either [https://www.mcgill.ca/eventsbookings/apply/students/withliquor/licensed permanently eligible] (Shatner Building, Thomson House, Faculty Club), or can be [http://www.mcgill.ca/eventsbookings/apply/students/withliquor/nonlicensed#racj temporarily eligible] to provide alcohol'''<br>*:#'''You have spoken to [[Dianne]] or one of the [[Execs|execs]] regarding the event'''*:#'''You have [[Server Training|trained servers]] available for the event
Once you have completed the above criteria, you can begin the process to acquire approval from McGill to apply to La Régie to obtain the liquor permit.
==McGill's House Rules==