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Blues Pub

35 bytes added, 18:54, 8 October 2016
Food Station
Volunteering is a lot of fun! There are two primary spots you can volunteer at, either the food station or the bar. Often times at busier Blues Pubs, a volunteer may be required at the door. If you're interested in volunteering, email the [ Blues Pub Managers].
===Food Station===
The Food station is Hell's Kitchen (in a fun way?). There are two jobs at the food station, however it is recommended that there are at least 3 volunteers at all times to help out here. There is the cashier, who takes the orders, collects cash, and who oversees the exporting of Plumber's Pockets. Then there is the cook, who (under all sanitation standards), makes the food as dictated by the cashier. The third volunteer is encouraged to help where necessary, be it aiding the cook, contacting a manager for additional supplies, and so on.
===The Bar===
Overtime the bar has become a well oiled machine, which only elaborate tomfoolery can mess up. While all of the servers are required to be [[Server Training|server trained]], you do not necessarily need to be server trained to help at the bar. It is strongly encouraged that there is a barback at all times at the bar to refill the bins, get more reusable & disposable cups, and oversee the well being of the bar in general. Barbacks do not need to be server trained! <br>

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