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EUS Equity

106 bytes added, 18:15, 28 July 2016
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| title = EUS Equity Committee
| image = [[Image:Libraryofbabel.jpg|300px]]
| labelstyle = background-color:#ddd;
| header1 = Current Executives
| label2 label1 = Equity Commissioner | data2 data1 = Emilie Froeliger | label2 = Financial Officer | data2 = | label3 = Workshop Coordinator | data3 = Kwesiga Kahigi | label4 = Forum Coordinatior | data4 =
'''''The Library of BabelEUS Equity Committee (EUS Equity)''''' is a short story by Argentine author committee under the President's portfolio. EUS Equity at McGill promotes diversity, inclusion, and librarin Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986), conceiving of a universe equity in engineering at McGill University. The committee is chaired by the form of a vast library containing all possible combinations of alphanumeric textEquity Commissioner. A splinterfan group has created a prototype of the idea at [].
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