Engineering Undergraduate Equipment Fund

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The Engineering Undergraduate Equipment Fund (EUGE) is a fund composed of fees paid by Engineering undergraduate students and of other contributions, whose purpose is to provide those students with additional laboratory equipment.

Only equipment that benefits the undergraduate students of the Faculty of Engineering in their academic environment is eligible through this fund. Any changes to the EUGE must be validated via referendum. Any questions can be directed to the EUS VP Academic or your departmental VP Academic.

EUGE   Engineering Undergraduate Equipment Fund
EFC   Equipment Fund Committee

About the Fund

This fee, initiated in 1987, is comprised of student fees. Every student in an Undergraduate Engineering program and taking nine credits or more, contributes fifty dollars per semester to the Engineering Undergraduate Equipment Fund. If you are taking less than nine credits, you pay half the amount per semester.

The allocation of the funds are as follows:

  • Thirty-five thousand dollars shall be allotted to a Faculty Fund
  • Five thousand dollars shall be allotted to each of the departments
  • An appropriate amount shall be set aside for the purchase of identification plaques or Stickers.
  • The net amount remaining is allotted to each department proportional to the total number of students in that department with respect to the faculty of engineering

In the event of a surplus less than 10% of the departmental allotment, it shall be carried forward into the department's allotment for the following year. Otherwise the surplus shall be redistributed among all departments.

Equipment Fund Committee

The Equipment Fund Committee (EFC​) is a committee of the EUS that is tasked with administering the Equipment Fund. The EFC shall meet on a date set by the EUS VP Academic, generally once a year.

Voting Procedure

  • Each member of the EFC has one vote.
  • A two-thirds majority is required for a departmental proposal to pass, otherwise the proposal is rejected for the current year.
  • A unanimous vote is required for a Faculty proposal to pass, otherwise the proposal is rejected for the current year.
  • Rejected proposals may be submitted again, with or without modifications, in subsequent allocations.


The EFC is composed of twenty-seven members, from student departmental representatives to the Chairpeople of the various departments. Quorum consists of twelve members of the EFC, provided the Dean, one student representative from each of the departments, and the Vice President Academic of the EUS, are all in attendance.

Proposals from a department may only be voted on if that department’s chairperson is present.

Proposals for the Faculty purchases may only be voted on if the Faculty student representative is present.

The makeup of the committee is as follows:


Only departments recognized in the Equipment Fund Bylaws are eligible to apply (in addition to the Faculty of Engineering as a whole). Currently the recognized departments are:

  • Bioengineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Mining Engineering
  • Materials Engineering
  • School of Architecture