E-Week 2023 Scunt

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Tabs & Tricks:
It's ok to take time for yourself! Finding a balance between rest and fun during E-Week is super important
1 BOAT race in class ★★★ Bonus points if your teacher/TA joins
2 Get a tinder match to join your team ★★ Bonus points if they've never done E-Week before
3 Wear a suit to Century ★★★★
4 Shotgun a can of beans ★★
5 Catch Efe vaping ★★
6 Rocky up the stairs of the arts building with the theme song in the background
7 Compliment another department on their hype page
8 Ask in a lecture of 100+ students to use the washroom ★★★
9 Speedo snow angels ★★
10 Email your prof about how excited you are to show up to the first class of the semester
11 Make a meme about your team to the eweek participants group Bonus points for more memes
12 Let Anna stage slap you or stage slap Anna ★★
13 Kiss a consenting bald man's head ★★ Bonus points if its your dad
14 Teach a first year your favourite chant
15 Line dance to Dior
16 Give Owen a big piece of cardboard to rip up ★★
17 Get one of your teammates tucked in and give them a goodnight kiss on the cheek ★★
18 Make a team signature wrestling move
19 Get sturdy in between the hours of 4am and 6am ★★
20 Challenge a team mate to a spontaneous water chug-off
21 bake cookies for the eweek staff!!! ★★★
22 Ice a coord Bonus points for more ices
23 Coord an ice
24 Perform the Canadian National Anthem before a broomball game (version bilingue) ★★★
25 Sangria goon Boxing
26 Wax a captain ★★
27 Dress your damn thing up as your team's wrestler
28 Act as a tour guide on a city bus [5 minute minimum] ★★★★★
29 Play never have I ever with Claire ★★
30 Vogue 72 Questions with a team member ★★★
31 E-Week: Smack-dat ass-down
32 Ask your mom if she'd still love you if you were a pro wrestler
33 Call your dad at 4:20 and ask him what time it is
34 Find an E-Week 2020 guitar pick ★★★★★
35 Get a mech eng student to show you how to suck squeeze bang blow ★★
36 Protein Shake Straws ★★
37 Chug a small Tim's coffee w/ 10 creams and 10 sugars ★★
38 Get a DM response from John Cena ★★★★
39 Email Big Suze and tell her you miss her ★★★
40 Synchronized team shitting in McConnell Basement ★★★
41 Group shower after century ★★★
42 Hold hands with all of your teammates ★★★
43 Group hug with everyone at Opening Ceremonies ★★★
44 SSMU Baby Chain during pub crawl ★★★★
45 Create a Dream Blunt Rotation with a captain from each team
46 Do pub crawl in heels #sissythatwalk ★★★★★
47 Do full drag for lip sync ★★★★
48 Throw a beer at a man Bonus points if he cries
49 Give a building worker a thank you card ★★
50 Write up a winning SSMU presidential platform (its not that hard tbh) ★★
51 Kill the remaining 0.01% of bacteria
52 Meal prep for all of E-Week ★★★
53 Light a candle and sit down in the shower in the dark ★★★
54 Drill and blast a mining student ★★
55 Ask an ECSE student where the best hookup spots in Trottier are ★★
56 Show an architecture student the house you built on sims ★★ Bonus points if your sims are woo-hooing while you show them
57 Give a photocopy of your captain's face to Andy ★★ bonus if its all your captains
58 Roast battle with Jia ★★ Bonus points if you win
59 Bella, where the hell have you been locca??? ★★
60 Make your own concrete and get a civil student to taste it for you ★★
61 Ask Bioeng participants for advice on how to grow the booty ★★
62 Ask an Old Patrol person how old they are and make them feel bad about it ★★
63 Call a grandparent and have them wish your team goodluck ★★
64 "You can't see me" Play hide and go seek with your team <3 ★★★
65 Make a snowman, wrestle it, and lose ★★★
66 Take a photo with a FAT squirrel ★★★★ Bonus points if you get posted on the mcgill squirrel instagram page
67 Build a shrine dedicated to your favourite wrestler ★★ 5 bonus points for every candle in the shrine
68 Try to set up a grandparent with a member from Old Patrol ★★★★
69 Nice  ;)
70 Come to an E-Week event not wearing pants and be like "I forgot my pants" ★★
71 Set up a team tinder account and go on a date as a team ★★★★ Bonus point per person on the date
72 Match with another team tinder on your team tinder
73 Roll a team mate down McTavish ★★★
74 Try to check your rookie captain into SSMU daycare for the day ★★★★
75 List as many one hit wonders as you can to a Chem participant ★★
76 Make a high class amazon wish list for Amani ★★
77 Share your favourite snack with Michelle ★★
78 Bring a rubber duck to Century and release it into the beer lake ★★
80 Find a raccoon in the Ghetto and offer it some poutine ★★★★
81 Find a rat and have it listen to disco music ★★★★★ Bonus points if the rat dances
82 Take a before and after picture for Century
83 Take BOAT race team picture at the start and then end of the night
84 Show us your rizz
85 WAP on James Mcgill's grave ★★★
86 Donate to a charity ★★
87 Ask a Bioresource student to show you how they ride the bull ★★ Bonus points if you're the bull
88 Plot the E-Week teams on the DND Alignment Chart
89 Ask your professor if they'd like to see pictures of your kids and show them a picture of your rookie captains ★★★ Bonus points if you give a monologue on how they're growing up so fast
90 Ask your TA to arm wrestle you ★★★★
91 Tarps off at Broomball for the whole game
92 Wrestle with a team mate ;)
93 Fart in a jar and save it for next E-Week ★★★
94 Dress up your pet in your E-Week merch ★★
95 Break down in tears at the train station like your spouse is being shipped off to World War II ★★★★★
96 Visit every bathroom in McConnell and rank each one based on vibes ★★★★
97 Challenge a stranger to a pushup contest ★★★
98 Hit your personal record at the gym ★★
99 Have a snowball fight with another team ★★★
100 Ask a firefighter if you're hot enough to be a fire hazard ★★★★
101 Play the Cat Game from Supertroopers (2001) with an academic advisor ★★★★★ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rlSjdnAKY4
102 Sweep and mop your apartment ★★
103 Go ice fishing ★★★
104 Study on the bus ride back from Century Club
105 Team photo at 3Man ★★
106 Make a big pile of powdered sugar and pose like Scarface ★★
107 Pickle a bunch of eggs and bring them to blues pub ★★★
108 Dress up like a Best Buy employee and give bad tech advice to customers ★★★★ Bonus point per amount of times you drop that you're an engineer
109 Suprise birthday party for someone on your team (it doesn't have to be their birthday) ★★
110 Make a paper crane and give it to Peter at CopiEUS ★★★
111 Take a reading test and show the results to Katia ★★
112 Sharpen a stick and give it to Celeste ★★
113 Power 24 hours with Eggnog ★★★★
114 Find someone who took WILD 420 with Professor Byrd ★★★★★
115 Send an anonymous hand-written love letter to someone on another team ★★★ Bonus points if its genuine
116 Write a limerick on a postcard and mail it to Limerick, Ireland ★★★★
117 Tweet Justin Trudeau your christmas wish list and complain that you didnt get everything on it from Santa ★★★★
118 Find someone at E-Week with the same birthday as you ★★★
119 Eat the oldest thing you have in your freezer ★★
120 Repair an item of clothing ★★
121 Submit a WWE Pro Wrestler Audition Tape to the coords ★★★★★
122 Apply to be a WWE Wrestler (https://recruit.wwe.com/#!/tryout) ★★★★★
123 Text an ex-wheel and reignite the flame ★★
124 Have a tongue wrestle
125 Ask an team mate to feel your biceps Bonus points if they're flabberghasted
126 Donate decorations to Materials for their next blues ★★
127 Team trip to Cinema L'Amour ★★★
128 Pick someone on your team and use one of those apps to see what your baby would look like
129 Offer and give someone a lapdance after Musical Chairs ★★★★
130 Wear thigh high boots and step on someone ★★
131 Sissy that walk
132 Body shot while body plays in the background
133 Wear a dog collar and have someone walk you around during pub crawl ★★★★★
134 Submit the world's horniest Spotted McGill post
135 Slow dance at Blues for an entire song ★★★★
136 Reclaim your virginity
137 Stage a coup d'état against your captains ★★★★
138 Get an eng man to bark like the dawg he is
139 Take a photo with as many women in STEM as you can find ★★
140 Wear the oldest E-Week shirt you can find ★★★ Bonus points if it still has sleeves
141 Make a sex playlist and have an ex rate it for you ★★★★
142 Scream and cry and throw up
143 Wear a swimsuit and towel to Bain Mathieu ★★★★
144 Compliment Circle with someone from each team <3 ★★★★★

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