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EUS Equity

14 bytes removed, 12:02, 24 September 2019
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| labelstyle = background-color:#ddd;
| header3 = Current Executives
| label4 = Equity Commissioner(s) | data4 = {{equity@}}Marion Olivier, Julia Rafferty
| label5 = Workshop Coordinator | data5 =
| label6 = Forum Coordinator | data6 =
The committee creates discussions about how to make our university environment more inclusive. This group of students talks about issues regarding gender identity, race, sexual orientation, ability, mental health, universal design, teaching & learning and much more. EUS Equity conducts equity training for student leaders to incorporate equity values within our engineering culture. The committee also works with faculty in order to coordinate our efforts to increase diversity in engineering at McGill.
If you are looking to get involved, feel free to email the Equity Commissioner Commissioners at [] or message the committee on the EUS Equity facebook page.
The EUS Equity policy can be [ found online].
-Did we get an award?
== Complaints ==

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