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SSMU Funds

37 bytes added, 06:54, 16 September 2018
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[[Image:SSMU-Logo-Red.png|right|200px]]The SSMU has a variety of funds available to student groups. Each fund has a different set of criteria, and it is highly recommended that you check them out, because many of them actually have excess funds at the end of the year, meaning that they would have been able to provide funding to more applicants. Applications are considered on a rolling basis, so apply as early as you can! You can submit one application per event/initiative, and select one Fund to apply to. All funding decisions are made by a central Funding Committee, and they may decide to allocate funds to you from a different Fund, or from more than one Fund - basically whatever they can do to help fund you!
Over the The following guide was written by Vivian Campbell, SSMU Rep of 2017/-2018 school year, one of our SSMU Reps who sat on the SSMU Funding Committee. They (I) have written the following Check out [ SSMU's Funding page] for a far more aesthetically pleasing guide based on this experience. Then come back here for tips & tricks.
Check out [ SSMU's Funding page] for a far more aesthetically pleasing guide. Then come back here for tips & tricks. ===Available Funds===
{| class="wikitable alternating"
! Fund !! Apply For... !! Do... !! Don't...
| ! Ambassador || academic conferences and competitions, including design team competitions||
*include any costs paid by participants in your budget, even if they're not paid through you
*ask participants to contribute a reasonable amount to the cost
*apply for funding if the costs can be covered by other revenues in your annual budget
| ! Campus Life || pretty much anything that happens on campus - social events, networking events, cool initiatives, workshops, guest speakers, etc.||
*include projected attendance/involvement
*make your budget very clear, so that it is easy to tell the difference between food & alcohol expenses and everything else
|(same as above)
| ! First Year || anything targeted at first year students || (same as above) || (same as above)
| ! Equity || equity initiatives || (same as above) || (same as above)
| ! Mental Health || mental health initiatives || (same as above) || (same as above)
| ! Environment || sustainability initiatives - my example is using it to cover the difference in cost required to make your activity more environmentally friendly || - * include the costs of both the original and more sustainable options || (same as above)
| ! Space || improvements to student spaces, similar to the EUS Student Space Fund || ||
| ! Community Engagement || charitable events / fundraising events for a charity || ||
| ! Club || ONLY AVAILABLE TO FULL STATUS SSMU CLUBS || - || - * apply for this fund if you're not a SSMU Club
===General Rules for all Funds===
# '''Funding can only cover a deficit''', and only if it carries over to a ''deficit in your annual/operating budget''.
# '''Funding cannot cover the cost of food or alcohol''', but can be selectively applied to cover all other costs.
# You can reapply for more funding if something goes wrong. Although not ideal, the Funding Committee has granted funding increases to groups where their budget has changed significantly since the original application (ex. failure to secure expected sponsorship).
==Apply for funding=The Application Process: Step-by-step===
# [ Register your student group] - Do this NOW, even if you won’t be applying till later! It will take time to process your registration. Registration is done once per group, ideally by the person who will be applying for Funds. You would likely be a “Departmental Association” or “On Campus Student Group” or perhaps “Special Event”.
# You’ll get login instruction for the online Application Portal. All Funding applications are submitted here. The link to access the Portal is not posted anywhere, so [ here it is for convenience].

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