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'''''Whereas''''' the Office of the Dean in the Faculty of Engineering co-funds the ECC and MESC operations,<br>
'''''Do you agree''''' that in order to maintain the current operations of the ECC, the ECC keeps the $50.00 per term fee up to and including its renewal date of Winter 2021 for all regular members of the Engineering Undergraduate Society?
|style="background-color:#00ff00"| 403/586 |style="background-color:#00ff00"| 68.77% |style="background-color:#ff0000"| 94/586 |style="background-color:#ff0000"| 16.04% || 89/586 || 15.19%
| EUS || Winter 2018 || Board of Governors (BoG) Changes in the Constitution || '''''Whereas''''', the changes listed in Appendix A and B were discussed at length with the Board of Governors, Council, and Executives present in the Constitution working group.<br>