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Module:Protection banner/config

882 bytes added, 00:21, 27 June 2014
add image link config
-- on the talk page; you may submit a request to ask an administrator to make
-- an edit if it is minor or supported by consensus."
-- ${IMAGELINK} - a link to set the image to, depending on the protection
-- action and protection level.
-- ${INTROBLURB} - the PROTECTIONBLURB parameter, plus the expiry if an expiry
explanation = '${EXPLANATIONBLURB}',
tooltip = '${TOOLTIPBLURB}.',
link = '${IMAGELINK}',
cfg.images.autoreview.autoconfirmed = 'Padlock-silver-light.svg'
cfg.images.autoreview.reviewer = 'Padlock-orange.svg'
-- Image links
cfg.imageLinks = {
edit = {},
move = {},
create = {},
autoreview = {}
cfg.imageLinks.edit.default = 'Wikipedia:Protection policy#full'
cfg.imageLinks.edit.templateeditor = 'Wikipedia:Protection policy#template'
cfg.imageLinks.edit.autoconfirmed = 'Wikipedia:Protection policy#semi'
cfg.imageLinks.move.default = 'Wikipedia:Protection policy#move'
cfg.imageLinks.create.default = 'Wikipedia:Protection policy#create'
cfg.imageLinks.autoreview.autoconfirmed = 'Wikipedia:Protection policy#pc1'
cfg.imageLinks.autoreview.reviewer = 'Wikipedia:Protection policy#pc2'
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