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Module:Message box/configuration

716 bytes added, 12:58, 29 November 2014
bring in changes from sandbox
local ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message box configuration ---- ---- This module contains configuration data for [[Module:Message box]]. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- return { ambox = { types = { speedy = { class = 'ambox-speedy', image = 'Ambox speedy deletionwarning pn.pngsvg' }, delete = { class = 'ambox-delete', image = 'Ambox deletionwarning pn.pngsvg' }, content = { class = 'ambox-content', image = 'Ambox contentimportant.pngsvg' }, style = { class = 'ambox-style', image = 'Edit-clear.svg' }, move = { class = 'ambox-move', image = 'Merge-split-transwiki default.svg' }, protection = { class = 'ambox-moveprotection', image = 'Padlock-silver-medium.svg' }, notice = { class = 'ambox-notice', image = 'Ambox moveInformation icon4.pngsvg' }
protection default = 'notice', allowBlankParams = {'talk', 'sect', 'date', 'issue', 'fix', 'subst', 'hidden'}, allowSmall = true, smallParam = 'left', class smallClass = 'mbox-small-left', substCheck = true, classes = {'metadata', 'plainlinks', 'ambox-protection'}, imageEmptyCell = true, imageCheckBlank = true, image imageSmallSize = 'Ambox protection.png20x20px', imageCellDiv = true, useCollapsibleTextFields = true, }imageRightNone = true, sectionDefault = 'article', notice allowMainspaceCategories = {true, class templateCategory = 'ambox-noticeArticle message templates', image templateCategoryRequireName = true, templateErrorCategory = 'Ambox notice.pngArticle message templates with missing parameters', templateErrorParamsToCheck = {'issue', 'fix', 'subst'}
default cmbox = { types = 'notice',{ allowBlankParams speedy = { class = 'talkcmbox-speedy', image = 'sect', 'date', 'issue', 'fix', 'subst', 'hiddenAmbox warning pn.svg' }, allowSmall delete = true,{ smallParam class = 'leftcmbox-delete', smallClass image = 'mbox-small-leftAmbox warning pn.svg' }, substCheck content = true,{ classes class = {'metadatacmbox-content', image = 'plainlinks', 'amboxAmbox important.svg' }, imageEmptyCell style = true,{ imageCheckBlank class = true'cmbox-style', imageSmallSize image = '20x20pxEdit-clear.svg', imageCellDiv = true }, useCollapsibleTextFields move = true,{ imageRightNone = true, sectionDefault class = 'articlecmbox-move', allowMainspaceCategories = true, templateCategory image = 'Article message templatesMerge-split-transwiki default.svg' }, templateCategoryRequireName protection = true,{ templateErrorCategory class = 'Article message templates with missing parameterscmbox-protection', templateErrorParamsToCheck image = {'issuePadlock-silver-medium.svg', 'fix', 'subst'} }, local cmbox = { types = { speedy notice = { class = 'cmbox-speedynotice', image = 'Cmbox deletionInformation icon4.pngsvg' }
delete = { class default = 'cmbox-deletenotice', image = 'Cmbox deletion.png' }, content = { class showInvalidTypeError = 'cmbox-content', image = 'Cmbox content.png' }, style = { class = 'cmbox-style', image = 'Edit-clear.svg' }true, move classes = { class = 'cmbox-moveplainlinks', image = 'Cmbox move.png' }, protection = { class = 'cmbox-protection', image = 'Cmbox protection.png' }, notice imageEmptyCell = { class = 'cmbox-notice', image = 'Cmbox notice.png' }true
default fmbox = 'notice',{ showInvalidTypeError types = true,{ classes warning = { class = 'plainlinksfmbox-warning', image = 'cmboxAmbox warning pn.svg' }, imageEmptyCell editnotice = true{} class = 'fmbox-editnotice', local fmbox image = {'Information icon4.svg' types = { }, warning system = { class = 'fmbox-warningsystem', image = 'Cmbox deletionInformation icon4.pngsvg' }
editnotice = { class default = 'fmbox-editnoticesystem', image showInvalidTypeError = 'Imbox notice.png'true, }allowId = true, system classes = { class = 'plainlinks', 'fmbox-system'}, image imageEmptyCell = 'Imbox notice.png'false, }imageRightNone = false
default imbox = { types = { speedy = { class = 'systemimbox-speedy', showInvalidTypeError image = true'Ambox warning pn.svg' }, allowId delete = true,{ classes class = {'plainlinksimbox-delete', image = 'fmboxAmbox warning pn.svg' }, imageEmptyCell content = { class = false'imbox-content', imageRightNone image = false'Ambox important.svg' }, style = {local class = 'imbox -style', image = {'Edit-clear.svg' types = { }, speedy move = { class = 'imbox-speedymove', image = 'Imbox speedy deletionMerge-split-transwiki default.pngsvg' }, delete protection = { class = 'imbox-deleteprotection', image = 'Imbox deletionPadlock-silver-medium.pngsvg' }, content license = { class = 'imbox-contentlicense licensetpl', image = 'Imbox contentlicense.png'-- @todo We need an SVG version of this }, style featured = { class = 'imbox-stylefeatured', image = 'EditCscr-clearfeatured.svg' }, move notice = { class = 'imbox-movenotice', image = 'Imbox moveInformation icon4.pngsvg' }
protection = { class default = 'imbox-protectionnotice', image showInvalidTypeError = 'Imbox protection.png' }true, license classes = { class = 'imbox-license licensetpl', image = 'Imbox license.png' }, featured usePlainlinksParam = { class = 'imbox-featured'true, image imageEmptyCell = 'Imbox featured.png' }true, notice = { class below = 'imbox-notice'true, image templateCategory = 'Imbox notice.pngFile message boxes' }
default ombox = { types = { speedy = { class = 'noticeombox-speedy', showInvalidTypeError image = true'Ambox warning pn.svg' }, classes delete = { class = 'ombox-delete', image = 'imboxAmbox warning pn.svg' }, usePlainlinksParam content = { class = true'ombox-content', imageEmptyCell image = true'Ambox important.svg' }, below style = { class = true'ombox-style', templateCategory image = 'File message boxesEdit-clear.svg' }, move = {local class = 'ombox -move', image = {'Merge-split-transwiki default.svg' types = { }, speedy protection = { class = 'ombox-speedyprotection', image = 'Imbox speedy deletionPadlock-silver-medium.pngsvg' }, delete notice = { class = 'ombox-deletenotice', image = 'Imbox deletionInformation icon4.pngsvg' }
content = { class default = 'ombox-contentnotice', image showInvalidTypeError = 'Imbox content.png' }true, style classes = { class = 'ombox-styleplainlinks', image = 'Edit-clear.svgombox' }, move = { class = 'ombox-move', image allowSmall = 'Imbox move.png' }true, protection = { class = 'ombox-protection', image imageEmptyCell = 'Imbox protection.png' }true, notice = { class = 'ombox-notice', image imageRightNone = 'Imbox notice.png' }true
default tmbox = { types = { speedy = { class = 'noticetmbox-speedy', showInvalidTypeError image = true'Ambox warning pn.svg' }, classes delete = { class = 'plainlinkstmbox-delete', image = 'omboxAmbox warning pn.svg' }, allowSmall content = { class = 'tmbox-content', image = true'Ambox important.svg' }, imageEmptyCell style = { class = true'tmbox-style', imageRightNone image = true'Edit-clear.svg' }, move = {local class = 'tmbox -move', image = 'Merge-split-transwiki default.svg' }, protection = { types class = 'tmbox-protection', image = {'Padlock-silver-medium.svg' }, speedy notice = { class = 'tmbox-speedynotice', image = 'Imbox speedy deletionInformation icon4.pngsvg' }
delete = { class = 'tmbox-delete', image = 'Imbox deletion.png' }, content = { class = 'tmbox-content', image = 'Imbox content.png' }, style = { class = 'tmbox-style', image = 'Edit-clear.svg ' }, move = { class = 'tmbox-move', image = 'Imbox move.png' }, protection = { class = 'tmbox-protection', image = 'Imbox protection.png' }, notice = { class = 'tmbox-notice', image = 'Imbox notice.png' } }, default = 'notice', showInvalidTypeError = true, classes = {'plainlinks', 'tmbox'}, allowId = true, allowSmall = true, imageRightNone = true, imageEmptyCell = true, imageEmptyCellStyle = true, templateCategory = 'Talk message boxes' return { ambox = ambox, cmbox = cmbox, fmbox = fmbox, imbox = imbox, ombox = ombox, tmbox = tmbox
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