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How to Wiki

33 bytes added, 12:58, 12 March 2018
Good templates
Making buttons instead of links, jumps people's attention!
|[[Template:FinanceBar]]|{{FinanceBar}}|Menu for different financial related articles.
|[[Template:HymnBar]]|{{HymnBar}}|Menu for different chants, songs in engineering.
|[[Template:PolicyIcon]]|{{PolicyIcon|1=Plumbers_Faucet_Policy}}|''1=POLICY_ARTICLE''<br>A button to link to policies/bylaws/constitutions. 1= the name of the article on the wiki to which it pertains to
|[[Template:WebsiteIcon]]|{{WebsiteIcon|1=}}|''1=websiteurl''<br>A button for groups' websites to be accessed
|[[Template:EmailIcon]]|{{EmailIcon|}}|''''<br>A button for the email address of the position/group

Navigation menu