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Engineering Undergraduate Support Fund Bylaws

1 byte added, 18:34, 17 November 2017
Article 10: Termination of the Support Fund
:10.3.4Notwithstanding §:8.2.1 and §:8.2.2, the clause outlined in §:8.2.4 shall remain in full effect.
:10.3.5Notwithstanding §8.6, §8.7, and §8.8 and its subsections, any surplus or forwarded monies shall be returned to the main account of the Support Fund .
:10.3.6 The administration of the Support Fund shall be transferred to the trust of the EUS Executive Committee, who may delegate this function to a Trustee Committee(“trustee”).
:10.3.7 The trustee shall administer the Support Fund in agreement with §2.1
:10.3.8.Any actions to be taken by the trustee involving or leading to the expenditure of Support Fund monies shall be ratified by a two-thirds majority of the EUS Council.
:10.5.3Any proposals that were proposed by the trustee and duly ratified by the EUS Council prior to the reinstatement of the Support Fund fees shall be honoured.
===Article 11: Superseding Clause===

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