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EUS Equity

23 bytes added, 08:23, 2 March 2017
Fall Forums
This forum, included in a series of events, will aim at building long-term support networks within the engineering community, through sharing of perspectives and experiences; developing a shared understanding of the challenges and benefits of creating a truly diverse and inclusive community in Engineering; maintaining an atmosphere of common engagement and commitment towards this community. It initiated numerous conversations with McGill Staff, Faculty members and students. Collaborations, experiences, issues and potential actions were discussed. The subjects of inclusivity, accessibility and microaggressions in EUS events, in the classroom and laboratories, admissions process, design competitions and teams, student projects, internships and transition to the workforce, classroom material, leadership positions in students groups, and diversity within the student and the professors body were covered as well. At the end, over 40 stakeholders were consulted.
'''Stakeholders''' *McGill Staff and Services
The McGill Engineering Student Center (MESC): Jessica Wurster, Industry Liaison Associate
The SEDE office: Sarah Malik and Tynan Jarrett.
The OSD: Tanja Beck
*Student Groups
The Engineering Undergraduate Society (EUS).
Promoting Opportunities for Women in Engineering (POWE).
Graduate Department Representatives.
Professor Joseph Kinsella and Dean Jim Nicell were also present.

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