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Account Names & Numbers

1 byte added, 03:03, 28 December 2016
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Account numbers follow a really simple form. XYYZ-YY. X tells you if it’s a Rev or Exp Account. Even values of X correspond to Rev Accounts while odd values correspond to Exp Accounts. YY is your department number which separates all the accounts. Z is your index if you have multiple accounts with the same department number. Most groups just have a Rev and Exp Account so it’s really easy to just remember your department number and the pattern that your revenue account will either start with 4 or 6 and your expense account will start with 5 or 7.
{{Div col| cols=2}}<tab collapsed name='EUS Account Numbers'><pdf>File:Accountnum2s.pdf</pdf></tab> This list below was last updated in the [[Financial Guidebook]] v2.2, and may not reflect all organizations. A PDF of the full list can be found here:<tab collapsed name='EUS Account Numbers'><pdf>File:Accountnum2s.pdf</pdf></tab> {{Div col end}}
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!Account Number

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