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Cheque Requisition

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Financial Officers
===Financial Officers===
Anyone can prepare cheque reqs, but they need the signature from one of the approved [[Financial Officers|financial officers]] of the account. Generally this is the President and VP Finance of the group. You must let the [[VP Finance|EUS VP Finance]] know who your financial officers are if you have not already done so. This is so that your financial officer can have another layer of control on your group's internal finances. Remember, anyone can prepare a cheque req, but you need a verified financial officer to sign it.<br>
[[Image:cheque_diagram.jpg|300px|frameless|left]]If you need the cheque to be mailed out, please follow the directions outline on the chequereq form (right). After you finish filling it out, staple your receipt '''TO THE BACK''' of the form and place it in the chequereq box (diagram below). <br>
If any step is incorrect, illegible, or lacks documentation, the cheque req will be rejected. Stapling receipts to the front of the cheque req form is grounds for rejection, so make sure everything is neat and organized before submitting. You have been warned.

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