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Canadian Engineering Competition

293 bytes added, 22:48, 8 October 2016
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Each year, the '''''Canadian Engineering Competition''''' (CEC) brings together 150 of the most innovative and creative engineering undergraduate students from across the nation to compete against each other in one of six categories, ranging from design, consulting, presentation and debate. Each competition category at CEC challenges its participants to expand their frame of reference and to identify solutions to problems experienced by our profession.<br>
Teams of two go head-to-head in a parliamentary style debate competition. Although some rules of parliamentary procedure have been relaxed, the challenge lies in presenting well-constructed and articulated arguments with minimal preparation time.{{col-end}}
==Previous&Upcoming Competitions=====CEC 2016:Montreal===The Canadian Engineering Competition was hosted by McGill in March, 2016. Information on that competition in particular can be [[categoryhttp:VP_External]// found here].===CEC 2017:U Calgary===The University of Calgary has been elected by CFES to host the 2017 CEC.[[category:CompetitionsVP_External]][[category:In_ProgressCompetitions]]

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