Job Board Tutorial

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Revision as of 19:06, 12 September 2020 by Mairead (talk | contribs) (Create Posting)
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This page details the simple steps to create an EUS job posting on the official EUS Wiki Job Board. There is also a section on adding logos to your posting, should you choose to do so. You can either use the Visual Editor (see Option 1) or edit the source (see Option 2), which can be useful whenever the Visual Editor is down. Before creating the actual post, follow these steps:

  1. Log In or Create Account then Log In by clicking these buttons at the top right corner of the screen.
  2. Navigate to the Job Board
  3. Click the '+' button on right side of the page or go to Job:New

Option 1: Visual Editor

Create Posting

Post a Job.png
  1. On the page, search the job title for the posting you want to create.
  2. Then click 'Post a Job'.

Customize Your Posting

Edit Job Board Post template.png
  1. When redirected from 'Post a Job', a generic posting will be generated. Click on the white box so it is highlighed as in the picture beside.
  2. The template popup will appear, click 'Edit'
  3. Fill out the field as required. Note: Please use YYYY-MM-DD for the date formatting
  4. Click Apply Changes to save your posting

Option 2: Edit Source

Find Example

  1. From main Job Board, find a good job posting you'd like yours to look like
  2. Click on link symbol to open posting in full view

Copy Source Code

  1. On the page, click 'Edit Source' from above the posting
  2. Select all 'code' and copy it
  3. Return to Job Board

Create Posting

Post a Job.png
  1. On the Job:New page, search the job title for the posting you want to create.
  2. Then click 'Post a Job'.

Customize Posting

Job Source Code.png
  1. Click 'Create Source' at top of page
  2. Copy-paste code copied
  3. Edit fields, where each field is labeled as |<field name>=| (Ex: |position=GuyFieri|)
  4. Click Publish Changes

Adding images on the wiki is generally tricky and it is a necessary part of the job board posting creation process. Wether you are editing with the visual editor or the source code, you need to have a file name that will go in the logo field. Ex: my_logo.png. This file name must match a file that was uploaded to the wiki, by navigating to the Special:Upload file upload page. Here you can upload an image file. The file name MUST MATCH THE FILE NAME used in the logo field. Otherwise it will give an error.