Concrete Canoe

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Concretecanoe2 logo.jpg
Canadian National Concrete Canoe Competition
When May 15th-18th, 2019
Where Montreal, Quebec
Team Captains
Julianna Fischer & Meagan Warren

What Is a Concrete Canoe Team all about?

Design, Build & Race a winning concrete canoe…. no, there is no typo here, we make a canoe entirely out of concrete!

How do you get involved?

It is easiest to reach us via our Facebook page. Send us a message!

3 Facts About Our Canoes:

  • Concrete density: 850 kg/m^3 which is 15% lighter than water
  • Length: 5.25 – 6.00 meters
  • Weight: 90 – 115 kilograms

Our Canoes

  • 2013 "Kraken"
  • 2014 "Apocalypse"
  • 2015 "Enigma"
  • 2016 "Posterra"
  • 2017 "Minerva"
  • 2018 "Sea Rex"
  • 2019 TBD

To see some photos and information about our previous canoes, click one of the tabs below.

Sea Rex at competition in May 2018
Our canoe Minerva at competition in May 2017.
Posterra with our team at before leaving for competition in 2016.
Our team in May 2015 at competition in Toronto.
Anakalypse with our team at competition in 2014.
Kraken with our team at competition in May 2013.


Every year in May our team joins Concrete Canoe teams from all over Canada for a serious engineering challenge: teams present the hard work they have done over the past year in hopes of winning at competition. The competition itself is judged based on several components: Aesthetics, Design paper and more help decide which team wins every year. Most importantly, an open-water race determines the fastest team! Students from over 15 Canadian universities share valuable experience and have tons of fun during a 3 day competition!

Our Team

Sub-divided into 6 sub-teams there is more than 70 of us on the team: each sub-team takes on a separate research field or a specific task, thus allowing more in-depth work:

  • Hull Design & Structural Analysis
Responsible for the design and optimization of the canoe hull. Each member designs their own hull using AutoCAD, Excel, and DelftShip and then, gets to 3D print their own canoe to complete physical testing. Physical tests such parameters as stability, maneuverability and speed. These results are utilized alongside Delftship modelling in order to select the final design. The final hull design is analyzed under various loading conditions with a combination of hand calculations and MATLAB programming.
  • Mixing
Main goal is to determine a lightweight concrete mix design that will meet: density, strength and aesthetic requirements while following competition Rules and Regulations. Research and testing are conducted alongside each other: new materials, their proportions as well as different curing techniques are developed and tested throughout the year in order to design a winning mix. Everyone on the sub-team gets to learn a lot of theory, various concrete design approaches and finally, get into the laboratory to perform all the mixing and testing procedures.
  • Aesthetics
Making a canoe made just out of concrete look as an eye-pleasing piece art is our job and it is not easy! Theme development, design of the canoe's interior and exterior aesthetic elements, final product display and a lot more tasks which involve both artistic and practical approach fall on the shoulders of aesthetics sub-team members.
  • Construction
Turning structural drawings into reality is the mission of the construction sub-team. Design and construction of canoe molds, developing canoe casting techniques as well as an actual canoe casting, sanding and finishing the surfaces are just some of the tasks.
  • Paddling
On-water practice weekends and weekly indoor paddling practices with qualified coaches for all sub-team members. Good vibes and good workout are guaranteed!
  • Business
Marketing, social media, photography, finances and almost everything non-technical is done by the business team!
  • Academics
An ultimate goal of academic sub-team activity is attaining a highest score for a technical paper. This includes wide range of activities: from overseeing activities of all sub-teams throughout the year and collecting all key information about the conducted research to the preparation of a technical paper and finally, giving a presentation during the competition.