Grade Point Average

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" Your grade point average (GPA) is a summation of your grades over a period of time (cumulative or term) on a scale of 0.00 - 4.00.




Your GPA is a collection of your grades, scaled according to the courses' credit-weight, and then averaged.

Cᵢ   Course i Credits
Gᵢ   Grade received in Course i

If Max Planck receives

B+ in MATH627 (3 credits)
B- in PHYS505 (4 credits)
A in RELG340 (3 credits)

for the W19 term, Max's TGPA would be

((3.3*3) + (2.7*4) + (4.0*3)) / (3 + 4 + 3) = 3.27